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WinRAR 5.40 Final Full Crack

WinRAR - one of the most popular and well-known archiver to use very convenient. In addition to its own format RAR, the program may support such files as 7-Zip, TAR, CAB, LZH, BZIP, GZ, GZIP, ACE 2.0, JAR, UUE, BZIP2, ARJ and ZIP. Of the extra features worth noting, such as the ability to maintain a continuous (solid) archives, the degree of compression which can be more than 10 - 50%, compared to the conventional method of compression and multivolume archives, is able to encrypt, has a special algorithm for better compression of multimedia files and a lot more other features.

Download WinRAR 5.40 Final Full Crack [6.62 MB]

Features of WinRAR:
  • The original packing algorithm that provides a high degree of compression of executable files, object libraries, large text files, etc.
  • An additional algorithm that is optimized for compressing multimedia data.
  • Support for files and archives up to 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 bytes (8 exabytes), provided that the file and the operating system also supports this size. The amount to be added to the archive file is practically unlimited.
  • Full support for RAR archives and ZIP 2.0, as well as unpacking archives CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, Z and 7Z.
  • Supports access rights and NTFS data streams.
  • Can be used as an interactive Windows interface and the command line interface.
  • Ability to create 'continuous' (solid) archives, in which the compression ratio is 10-50% higher than in conventional archives, especially when packing a large number of similar small files.
  • Create and modify the self-extracting (SFX) archives using a standard or optional SFX modules.
  • Creation of multivolume archives, including self-extracting.
  • Many additional features, such as encryption of files, add comments archival and restoration physically damaged archives.

Some features of WinRAR:
  • Full support for RAR and ZIP 2.0;
  • The original high-performance data compression algorithm;
  • Graphical user interface with support for drag and drop (drag & drop);
  • Ability to use the command line interface;
  • Working with the archives of other formats (7Z, ACE, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, GZ, ISO, JAR, LZH, TAR, UUE, XZ, Z);
  • Support continuous (solid) archiving in which usually achieved significantly higher degree of compression (10 - 50% higher) than conventional methods give particularly if packaged large number of small files, the same type of content;
  • Support of multivolume (divided into several parts) files;
  • Create self-extracting (SFX) conventional and multivolume archives with a different SFX modules;
  • Ability to recover physically damaged archives;
  • Ability to create and use special recovery volumes, allowing to reconstruct missing or corrupted volumes of multivolume archives.
  • Support for Unicode encoding in filenames;
  • The presence of other additional functions, such as data encryption and file names in the archive, add comments archival, management protocol error, and so forth.